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Behavior Therapy
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Fax: 417-624-4558
BHG integrates the full spectrum of outcomes-based medicine, using medication-assisted recovery combined with medication management, behavioral health therapy, counseling, labs, care coordination and case management.  We apply these proven treatment strategies and integrate them into patient care model that allows us to move patients through different avenues as their needs change and evolve.  BHG has extremely high record of helping patient navigate back into the mainstream.  99% of BHG  patients report improved quality of life, 60% of patients obtain employment after 1 year of treatment and so on.  We are extremely proud of the work we do.

My World ABA is an outpatient day treatment clinic that uses applied behavior analysis with an autism focus to address behavioral health concerns.

Advocacy for youths with mental health and behavioral issues and their families.

The mission of Unearth Potential is to foster the skills needed for those with autism and developmental disabilities to participate meaningfully and independently in their communities through effective, individualized strategies for learning. Unearth Potential is owned by two women from the Joplin, Missouri community. They are Board Certified Behavior Analysts with over 20 years of combined experience and aim to provide high-quality behavior analytic services to our community.

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