Non-Profit Organizations/Civic Organizations
George A. Spiva Center for the Arts is Joplin's independent community arts center. Year round, exhibitions and special events in four galleries feature local, regional, and nationally known artists; hands-on classes attract students of all ages. Celebrating the creative experience since 1948.

Through a dedication to academic excellence, Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School stands accountable for educating students to make the most of their abilities. The School educates students to acquire and refine essential academic knowledge and skills; cultivate an appreciation of the arts; develop lifelong fitness skills; assume responsibility for their behavior; seek out challenge, welcome criticism, test new capacities; practice self-discipline; and find joy in learning. The school brings students together with teachers who exemplify intellectual curiosity, a dedication to truth, and the advantages of living the examined life.
Tri-State Area Contractors Association, Inc.'s mission is to better working conditions for the Commercial Construction industry in the Southwest Missouri, Southeast Kansas, and Northeast Oklahoma areas and to become a viable power to address City, County, and State issues which directly impact the Commercial Construction industry in these areas.
United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. The mission of Building Bridges is to walk alongside and equip people in our community with skills and relationships to improve their lives, resolve poverty and thrive.
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
We are a new mission Church plant in Joplin, Missouri. In December we will have worshipped on Main Street for four years. It is our desire to grow in the grace of Jesus, to serve others, and to care for our beautiful community.
Transitional housing and education for the homeless.
Emergency shelter, furniture/appliance bank, service needs, food & clothing pantry, etc.
The Wildcat Glades Friends Group was formed to protect the area known as Wildcat Park and the surrounding chert glade environment, habitat, and wildlife by promoting awareness and sustainability, providing education and recreation space and programs, and sponsoring nature-based activities.
The prime mission of Southwest Missouri’s Workforce Investment Board (WIB) is to enrich the region’s economy by preparing businesses and the workforce for global competitiveness. We’re a progressive workforce intermediary that leverages resources to increase the value of the region’s human capital portfolio (the workforce) to fuel economic momentum.