The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs reports to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). This position is primarily responsible for supporting learning, operations, efficiency, and strategies for the sustainability of Crowder’s instructional activities outside of main campus. This includes assigned instructional sites as well as concurrent enrollment. On occasions, this position also supports the office of Academic Affairs with leadership and supervision of general education, assessment, and accreditation. Additionally, the person in this position also supports the Honors program (PTK). The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs is a member of Instructional Council and College Council.
Job Duties
Oversee the operations of instructional sites
(currently Cassville, McDonald County, Nevada, and Webb City).
Under the advisement of the VPAA, coordinate
with site directors to develop and monitor programmatic, instructional, and
operational strategies to drive enrollment and efficiency of services to
learners at assigned instructional sites.
Serve as the liaison for concurrent enrollment
and assigned instructional sites with other functional area leadership (student
affairs, facilities, finance, public information/marketing, and information
services) to maximize utilization, profitability, and services to learners.
Evaluate and consult site directors regarding
program and course offerings, modalities of delivery, cohort models, etc. in
efforts to increase enrollment and efficiency through extended learning
Provide leadership and oversight to the
College curriculum approval and revision process.
Provide leadership of the Crowder College
University Center and oversight to communication with area Universities’
articulation agreements and bachelor degree completion programs at all Crowder
College locations.
Provide leadership and oversight of the Concurrent
Enrollment program.
Provide leadership and oversight of the
College Honors program.
Assist with student academic appeals.
Assist with coordinating the College
assessment program.
Assist with program approval process at the
State and Federal level.
Assist with leadership and supervision in
developing, evaluating, supporting, and improving educational programs and
related services through professional development and program reviews.
Assist with leadership and oversight over the
employment, professional improvement, and evaluation processes for full-time
and adjunct faculty.
Assist with maintaining compliance and
documenting programs of study among state agencies, accrediting bodies, and
other stakeholders.