Mrs. Jennifer Reeves
I can help with ALL of your banking needs! You can contact me at 417-624-1995.
Ms. Victoria Reeves-Herlocker
Ms. Candice Register
Ms. Allison Reid
Ms. Tonya Reieher
Eldon R. Repsher, O.D.
Dr. Repsher started Advance Family Eyecare in 2003, being open just
one day a week. His philosophy has always been to be a personal care
Optometrist. He cares for his patients and their vision. “I tell my
patients what they need to know-good and bad”. Advance Family Eyecare is
a personal, professional and relaxed office.
Dr Repsher graduated from Southwest Missouri State University (now
Missouri State) with a Bachelors Degree in Cell/Molecular Biology. He
received his Doctorate of Optometry from University of Missouri-St Louis
and had training at VA Hospital American Lake in Seattle, WA. Dr.
Repsher served six years in the US Navy from 1985-1991. He served on the
USS Caron, a Spruance class Destroyer and at Naval Hospital San Diego.
He spent the last year of service in Bharain with Surgical Team One
during Operation Desert Storm/Shield. Dr Repsher likes to spend all his
free time with his wife and three children.
Mr. Ansel Revel
Ms. Crystal Reynolds