You deserve to be treated with respect and honesty when buying a car. And that’s what I’m promising. I’m not in business to sell cars to make a quick buck. I'm in business to sell cars to find great people who will stay with me for life.
- Mr. Mitch Arteaga
- Mr. Grant Conrad, Sales
- Mr. Nathan Conway
- Mr. Hayden Fox, Sales Professional
- Mr. Jack (Jef) Frost *, Dealer/Owner
- Mrs. Misty Frost
- Mr. Mike Hughes, Business Development Center Manager
- Ms. Kristin Hukill
- Mr. Michael Jarman, Sales Professional
- Mr. Brian Lyckman, Player #3 - Asbell Companies
- Mr. Greg McCoy, General Manager
- Mr. Shane Merriam, Sales Manager
- Mr. Josh Stiffler, Sales Associate
- Mr. Tim Striegel, Service Manager
- Mr. Dewayne Thompson, Service Consultant
- Mr. Tustin Ulrich, Dealership Manager
- Mr. Tony Wiatrak
- Ms. Robin Wilson